Gary Anderson

P.O. Box 600039 St. Paul, MN. 55106


The Website of Doane Cancel Lists of Known Doane Cancels

    Here you will find Doane Lists of All States in the format of the Original United States Doane book. You will also find information on what the three types Doane Cancels are. These Doane Lists are updated frequently and each has the coordinator listed as well as the date it was last updated. If you have any information on a State please send it to the coordinator of that State. Some of these States still need some work as there are questionable listings on them. These lists are also part of the 2nd edition of the Doane Book which I co-authored with Bill Helbock. The book will include all State listings not just the ones on this website. There is a link on this page to the listing of LaPosta books that I have for Sale including the Doane Book.


Click here to view information on the Three Types of Doane Cancels as well as Doane Lists of Known Doanes from All States and Possessions.

Click here to view a list of all Doane Coordinators for Every State. Their Mailing Addresses will be listed along with an Email Address if they have one.

Click here to view all the LaPosta Books that I have for Sale including the Doane Book.

Click here for Philatelic Links




This page was last updated 12 Jun 2024

Copyright 2000-2024 Gary Anderson